To most travelers the green season is not considered as the best time to visit Zambia for a safari for a number of reasons but allow me to show you the different experiences that a safari in the green season offers.
In Zambia the green season starts at the onset of the rain season which typically runs from October to April, of course this depends on which part of the country you are in. The Northern part of Zambia tends to have a longer rain season while the Southern part has a shorter rain season.

Once the first rains hit the ground the color of the woodlands begin taking on a new form and color, they turn an emerald green as most trees begin to have new leaves (most trees in Zambia shed their leaves in the dry season to reduce water loss) and the grass begins to turn green. Around this time most animals in the wild begin to have their offspring, due to the abundance Of water and grass. You would see an increase in young giraffes, zebras, impalas, bush bucks, wildebeest and many others. We also get a significant increase in the migratory water birds that come and breed in the different parks dotted around Zambia such as the Kafue and South Luangwa National Parks. This makes them a bird watchers paradise and it is also worth looking at even for the novice birder.

It is around this season that we have the second largest Wildebeest Migration in the Liuwa National Park, the park is located in the Western Part of Zambia. The park has remote camp sites that allow one to disconnect from the day to day life and enjoy the peace and animal sounds. Other than the wildebeest the park has a significant hyena and lion population.

Other than that, the green season has the Bat Migration in the Kasanka National Park that occurs from October to December. At this time over 5 million straw-colored fruit bats descend on the different tree fruits in the park.
Additionally this season is considered as a low season because of the fewer travellers in the destination, this will allows you to get great deals on accommodation and activities. As well as having the huge outdoor spaces in the national parks and waterfalls to yourselves or just to a small group of people.

The season can be a challenge to the unprepared traveler but to the prepared traveler with a professional tour company, armed with the right information on which lodges and the best routes to use it could turn out to be an adventure of a lifetime.